Christine Silawan Lee Murder case

                         Brutal murder story of Christine Silawan

Christine Silawan, sixteen, was anxious to meet the mysterious stranger who had messaged her privately on Facebook just the day before. The fact that the 17-year-old "CJ Diaz" had just recently opened the account puzzled her, but she figured it would explain why he had no friends or pictures. He shared many of her "likes," though; they watched the same anime and listened to the same music, particularly from the Bangtan Boys, of which she was an avid admirer. Besides, she told herself, what the heck could go wrong? She could merely walk away if this guy "cat fished" her—that is, posed as someone else online—and they crossed paths in person.

Viewers who were curious about Christine Lee Silawan's motionless body from a distance might have thought that someone was lying fetal posture. Sadly, the female student at Maribago High School in the ninth grade was not able to pass while in a calm dream state and was instead made to experience a torturous rape.

Christine is completely nude from the waist down when you go up close. Her blue jeans are inside out, indicating that someone yanked them off her legs, and her body is resting on her right side. Although it doesn't do much to hide her, the burgundy shirt she is wearing does a great job of hiding the blood stains left by the 20 evident stab wounds.

When you finally get a closer look, it is evident that Christine was killed by sheer evil. The uncensored snapshot (very graphic image) is nearly too explicit to read, therefore I won't hold off on providing the specifics for the benefit of my readers. Her flesh is shredded, her face skin that once covered her right side of her skull destroyed.

The public would never permit this crime to remain unsolved.

The ex-boyfriend "John," whose real name is concealed by the court, was also arrested at that time because the detectives had good reason to think he fit the killer's description.

Since 2018, Christine and John had been dating, and they appeared content. But when little disagreements increased in frequency and size, Christine grew more and more dejected. She ended their relationship on February 28, 2019, which was ten days before to her death.

Christine got a Facebook message from CJ Diaz, a 17-year-old, just before she was killed.

Christine had arranged a meeting with the 43-year-old pervert Renato Llenes after departing from the Sacred Heart Parish Church, where she often worked as a collector, without knowing CJ's true name. Llenes, who subsequently confessed to killing Christine, was also caught on camera not far from the church shortly before she passed away.

Llenes admitted that she had realized he was catfishing her right away and had left, not realizing the madman would come after her. Because she "refused to get intimate" with him, he started to pursue her.

She attempted to flee, but he outran her and caught up with her in a deserted lot in Barangay Bancal, where he proceeded to stab her. In addition to nine defensive wounds and twenty stabbing wounds, Superintendent Benjamin Lara, MD, the director of the crime laboratory, stated that she was missing various internal organs.

He claimed to be high on drugs and that the weird online meme/hoax known as the "Momo Challenge"—which encourages children to commit suicide—was the reason behind his removal of her face's skin when questioned why he did it.

Aside from drugs and online scams, there is a real explanation: he attempted to make the victim unidentifiable in order to save his own skin.

Because Christine Silawan's murder was so horrific, many Filipinos demanded that the death penalty be reinstated or, at the very least, that the assailant be given a pass. Unfortunately, because her killer killed himself not long after being apprehended, the Silawan family never got the punishment they deserved.

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